| | | RUSH: Barbara West, the anchor in Orlando that asked Biden about socialism and Marxist policies and so forth, that he mocked her about? Now, keep in mind the Drive-Bys never question each other. Do they grill Andrea Mitchell about Alan Greenspan? They do not. Do they ask Campbell Brown about Dan Senor? Do they ask Dan Senor about Campbell Brown? They're all married to each other! Do they ask Jay Carney about Claire Shipman? They're married to each other. This woman's husband is now being attacked. Barbara West's husband is being attacked because the Obama campaign went after the guy. We have a media montage here to illustrate.
SEAN CALLEBS: The anchor's husband, Wade West, has been a political strategist and has done work with Republicans.
KEITH OLBERMANN: Surely it's just a coincidence that her husband (dramatic pause) is a GOP media consultant!
LARRY KING: You are registered as a Republican! Your husband is a republican strategist! That true?
KIRAN CHETRY: Your husband did strategy work for the GOP!
RUSH: Do you know that there are CNN reporters whose wives and husbands are on the staff of members of the Senate and House? And they never question each other about this. They never use it to discredit one another. But here is an anchorette in Orlando, and they go after her. Folks, do you understand how scary this is? This is the Obama campaign. You do something that embarrasses Obama or Biden, and they're going to go after you. They'll go after your family. They'll go after somebody to embarrass you, to intimidate you, to shut you up.
RUSH: We have an exclusive here. We're pretty sure that this was buried, but Cookie dug it up. You know, I told people last night, they couldn't believe it, didn't know that it had happened again. Obama and Biden have banned another TV station for inappropriate questions to Biden, and we have some sound bites of it. This was October 15th in Philadelphia, KYW-TV's Eyeball News at 4, the anchors are Angela Russell and Chris May. They talked to Biden. Russell says, "Obama talks about 'spreading the wealth...'" I think this is 50. Yeah. "...talks about 'spreading the wealth around,' and everybody does better that way. This has been buried since the 15th. "Obama talks about spreading the wealth around, everybody does better that way. Is that not, you know, being a little socialist? I mean, this is what your accusers are saying here."
BIDEN: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. What it is is about realizing what got us in this God awful hole and that plumber in the God awful hole. It's been this continued response McCain and by the president saying if you just give gigantic tax cuts to the wealthy -- for example, people making average of $1.4 million a year are going to get another 800 -- I should say $85 billion tax cut this year? That tax cut should be going to the plumber!
RUSSELL: But under Obama's proposal, though, he would be paying more as would a lot of small businesses --
BIDEN: Absolutely not.
RUSSELL: -- and wouldn't they just pass that on to the consumer? |  |
| BIDEN: Absolutely not! Absolutely not!
RUSSELL: Well, please explain that.
BIDEN: Absolutely not! Ninety-eight percent of the small businesses in Philadelphia and all of America, make less that $250,000 a year. Not one single penny in taxes will go up for anybody, small business or individual, making less than $250,000 a year.
RUSH: Now, the anchor, Angela Russell here at KYW-TV Eyeball News at 4, Philadelphia, on October 15th, does not back down. She said, "Well, I just note that according to the Small Business Administration, numerous small businesses are classified making under four million. No, I think a lot of small businesses would be affected."
BIDEN: No. No. Y-y-you're -- you're getting this mixed up, with all due respect.
RUSSELL: Mmm-hmm.
BIDEN: Their sales are over four million. We say if you make under a hundred million, you're a small business, but the actual profit -- what you pay taxes on, 98% of what the small businesses make, what they pay taxes on -- are less than $250,000 a year.
RUSH: Chris May.
BIDEN: They're apple and oranges.
RUSH: Yeah, right, Joe. Then Chris May, KYW-TV Eyeball News at 4, October 15th, says, "The Washington Times are reporting you paid more than $2 million in campaign cash over the years to family members for campaign services that they provided for you. There's nothing illegal about it, Senator, but some people think it doesn't exactly pass the smell test. Your response to the criticism of this practice of yours?"
BIDEN: Well, first of all, $2 million they say I paid family members?
MAY: Uh, in excess of $2 million in fact.
BIDEN: No. Well, that's not true! That's not true!
MAY: $1.8 million for media consulting to Joe Slade White & Company --
BIDEN: Yeah! But that's not -- that's not my family.
MAY: -- $50,000 in payments to your sister --
BIDEN: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Slow up here, old buddy. Joe Slade White is one of the leading Democratic consultants. For the last eight years, my sister works for that company and paid a salary. She is not a partner in that firm. She doesn't own that firm. That money is not going to her. That money is going to a major, major Democratic consulting firm. It's a ridiculous assertion coming from the right-wing Washington Times!
MAY: Another one hundred --
BIDEN: That is simply not true.
RUSH: Anyway, this only aired one time. This whole interview only aired one time before the Obama campaign got it pulled from the KYW Eyeball News at 4 website. Cookie dug deep -- I mean really, really, really dug deep out there -- found a copy, and there's one more sound bite to this, but you basically get the drift. This is unacceptable, this is inappropriate to approach the vice president of The Messiah this way. And so they intimidated KYW-TV to pull this from the website. This was the first time, the Orlando situation is the second time where the Obama campaign said, "Hey, you want to get along with us after I'm president? Then you get rid of it." |  |
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